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Really liked carving a path to the cauldron from where the thingy falls :)

Had a good time trying to figure out the puzzles :)

Thank you Homhom! :)

really cool physics based puzzle game I had fun, several feedbacks:

1. once you get the shuriken you don't really need the character anymore since you can solve everything without it, at least I managed to.

2.  I think the shadows are exaggerated a bit I really squinted my eyes to try and see the falling objects in the darkness

overall really fun game, with a lot of potential for a fun casual game, really good for mobile if you remove the character, well done!

Thank you! In my update I will make more use of the character! Thanks for your feedback! 


this is probably my favorite puzzle game of the jam, super inventive ideas, but for certain levels (read: the pumpkin one) the shuriken handled weirdly making it easy to get stuck and have to reset

the style is cool but the shadow effect is a bit exaggerated and makes some parts nearly impossible to see without tearing down a lot of the level, making you have to rely on guesswork to figure out where things are going

music and art are also very well done

overall, huge props to you :) this is awesome

Wow, thank you for your kind words! 

I'll improve the level design in the future so that you have a easier time moving your character around so you can actually see all the places in the shadows!

Thank you! :)


Cool music and the idea is implemented in an unusual way. I wish you good luck and success :)

Thanks you too!


Super cool ideas and neat execution! Cool sandbox-y environment. The answers to the puzzles were not set in stone!  ;)

Thanks a lot! Yeah I'm looking forward to create more levels, maybe even add enemies to fight, interactable objects like teleports or bounce-pads. I've got a lot planned! 
Thanks for playing!


YOOOO this is a fun game!!

I love the core mechanics and absolutely love the cute character!

I wish to see more creative levels to use shadows :3

Thanks! That means a lot! I'm looking forward to creating more levels and more mechanics as well!


Awesome mechanism. I love it. The movement of the ball can also change the terrain. Just can't see the ball sometimes.

Thanks!! Yep you could say it's... hidden in shadows! :D


I really dig the core premise. The game only seems to display in the corner of the window for me and it crashed my browser the first time I tried to play but once I got into it I was enjoying the destructible terrain. Trapped myself under rubble a few times, but that's what the reset button is for I suppose. Good job!

Ah that's too bad, are you on a smaller mac by any chance? I've had that as a reported bug from another player.

Thanks for giving it a try!


I couldn't get this to work on a Macbook using Safari, I'm afraid :( I got past the first level but couldn't use the sword. Looks cool from what I was able to play, though!

Oh, I might need to clarify that you need to press left mouse button with your cursor on top of a piece of the environment, then it should work. It does at least work on my Mac. Thanks a lot for trying!


Ohh thank you, I will try again!

No thank you for playing! :)


No issues with the actual physics and respawning timers. That’s pretty good, considering the amount of weight those two mechanics are pulling. The additional mechanics caught me by surprise. Managed to finish the game in the end after failing to be the worm in the apple.

Music is alright. I didn’t even consider trying to change the sound volume by the time I was done. Someone’s spent a lot of time looking at penumbra lighting! It does however lend a 3d aspect to the environment which otherwise has 2d sprites. This isn’t really an issue - more a stylistic decision.

With irregularly shaped platforms, something like a Coyote timer could be useful (grace period for jumping after leaving the ground)- sometimes you slide off when running down slanted slopes instead of jumping.

I headbutted the ball by accident when it respawned on the first level because I was playing with the one on the ground. I don’t know whether this was intentional. Being able to click away at terrain is a nice mechanic and seems handled well, but there is a brief moment where I expected a sword animation or something to appear rather than the terrain I clicked being deleted based on expectations and the text prompt I was given. I also tried to click and drag my mouse cursor for the sword, but the event happens only on click - which is understandable given later levels… however, being unable to cut free-falling terrain does have it’s own issues! I keep getting stuck between two cut pieces and unable to jump out.

Wow, thanks for this incredibly detailed feedback, I very much appreciate it. Thanks again, I'm planning on fixing most of these issues when I have more time to put into the project, today I was really scrunching for time. Thanks again for your great comment. I wish you the best.


Okay I'm not gonna lie, when I first opened the game I was ready to give this like 60 seconds at most. The camera being so zoomed out and playing as a tiny little sprite that floats around when you jump was not appealing at all.

But WOW when I started moving around and saw the lighting I thought "okay that's pretty cool". Then I unlocked the sword "chunk"er? GAME CHANGER.

I was pulled in so hard by the destruction mechanic and the slicing tool, genuinely amazing concept and mechanic and SO SO well executed. What a fantastic puzzle game, a ton more levels and an art facelift and I could easily see this game being a full gaming experience.

Really really well done and the literal definition of "Don't judge a book by it's cover".

Wow, this means a lot. Thank you so much! Wow, I'm a bit overwhelmed by your positivity, thank you! <3


Music go groovy, I like it

Thank you very much! It's the first time I've made one of my groovebox songs public.


There's some very inventive mechanics here, good job!

Thanks a lot!


Real fun and challenging. The combination of destructible environment puzzles and line of sight is really cool.

Wow thank you very much! That means a lot! <3